About thirty of our students have spiffied up their blogs in preparation for their blog book tours, and are now suffering through peer critiques. Actually, it's not that bad. Most of the blogs look really good (you can visit them by clicking on the links at right), and the tweaking is only minor. Here's one little addition to your blog that is enormously important - the buy button. Some of our class members haven't paid quite enough attention to it, and it's a common flaw.
What is a buy button? It's the live link on your website or blog that shoots the reader to a sales point for your book. That could be your own shopping cart, your specific amazon.com book page, the book page at your publisher's site, or all the sales locations for your book. The more options your reader has, the more chances you'll have a seamless sale. Do you have easy-to-find links and buying prompts on your sites? Do you include a link in every post that mentions your book? Make it easy on your reader.
It's that "seamless sale" aspect that is vitally important. If you have a sales point that isn't operating smoothly, you will lose sales and possibly even irritate your fan. Don't do it. No excuses here. Find a way to solve the problem, no matter what it takes. You get one chance to make a good impression. It's an old adage, but it's true. Strangers have no sympathy for sob stories - they want perfection and are thinking of their own convenience. You have to supply that before you sell one book. Service sells your book before great writing.
So to recap: Have a sales link - a buy button - at your websites and blogs, and make sure it works without a hitch each and every time. Give your readers every opportunity to buy that book. Selling, and selling lots, should be part of your personal success equation. Is it part of your motivation? Then set it up so your fans can help you achieve that goal.
Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009
Kamis, 29 Januari 2009
A Blogger Design Tip
See that funny strip at the top of your Blogger blog that has your email and links at the right? What color is it? Look at the rest of your blog, and I'll bet some of you can change that so it matches the overall look of your design better.
You only get four choices - black, white, tan, or blue - but one of them is probably a better choice for your color scheme than any other. Go to Layout, click on that banner's edit link, and change for the better. It's a little thing, I know, but why not be the best you can be?
And don't forget to collapse your archive - that's on the same Layout page.
You only get four choices - black, white, tan, or blue - but one of them is probably a better choice for your color scheme than any other. Go to Layout, click on that banner's edit link, and change for the better. It's a little thing, I know, but why not be the best you can be?
And don't forget to collapse your archive - that's on the same Layout page.
Rabu, 28 Januari 2009
Ebook Week
Coming up soon in March, so if you have an ebook to promote, check out their fantastic website and jump on this combined effort. Also grab one of these neat banners they've designed for free use on your blog and website:

There are more for various genres and various styles. Very cool idea.
Senin, 26 Januari 2009
List of hindi and bollywood songs online radio stations across the world
List of hindi and bollywood songs online radio stationshttp://www.hindiradios.comwww.hamara-sangeet.comRadioTarana-NewZealand ==> mms://l1.r2.co.nz/tarana-1106.2 HUMFM - UAE ==> http://www.humfm.com/humfm.asxRadioOfIndia - Bollywood ==> http://www.radioofindia.com/asf/bollywood.asxRadioOfIndia - Bhajans ==> http://www.radioofindia.com/asf/bhajans.asxRadioOfIndia - Classical ==> http://
Tag, you're it, ladies!
I've bumped this post up for the current class, and for anyone who doesn't know what a meme is.
Meme: Any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. Examples include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, songs, dances and moods and terms such as race, culture, and ethnicity.
Also, an easy peasy blog post that's fun for writer and reader.
Here's a modifed writers meme for members of the August Blog Challenge, three of whom got tagged at the end. These are my answers:
1) Computer, longhand, or other?
Computer or Alphasmart. Only longhand when mindmapping. That might change as I get good with speech recognition software which I'm loving so far. Jeez, my mouth can type fast!
2) Coffee or tea?
Coffee and tea although I'm cutting down on both. Coffee in the morning, and 4PM tea when the weather gets cooler.
3) Day or night?
Mostly day, unless I'm on deadline. I usually read at night.
4) Favorite genre to write?
Non-fiction although Penny Dreadful is getting more of my attention! Cozy mysteries are a daily part of my life, too.
5) Pencil or pen to edit?
Pencil. Not necessarily red.
6) Unusual writing quirk or trait?
I mindmap everything including my grocery list.
7) Writing from home or writing in a cozy café?
Home! I cannot write in public - mostly because of the noise.
8) Music or silence while your write?
Definitely silence. See #7. Unless a neighbor's dog is barking and then a Baroque adagio helps tune them out.
9) Favorite motivational writing quote?
Write first. Clean later. Thanks, l.j. Sellers!
10) Favorite bookmark?
I love those lovely book thongs.... like jewelry for books. Copper book darts are cool, too, although I keep losing them to the library.
11) Favorite fictional character of all time?
Merlin in the Mary Stewart Arthurian series.
12) Most admired living writer today?
Tough question. This week, it's Nora Roberts for all those books, and they're actually decent novels. Okay, they're indecent in parts, but she consistently weaves a pretty good tale for having written 150+. Anyone who writes two or more good books a year is most admired. I stand in awe.
If you like memes, writing pal, Moe, has put together a bunch more at her super-fantastic Squidoo lens called 50 Memes.
And don't underestimate the power of a meme. It's really all about linking which boosts the popularity of your blog.
Meme: Any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. Examples include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, songs, dances and moods and terms such as race, culture, and ethnicity.
Also, an easy peasy blog post that's fun for writer and reader.
Here's a modifed writers meme for members of the August Blog Challenge, three of whom got tagged at the end. These are my answers:
1) Computer, longhand, or other?
Computer or Alphasmart. Only longhand when mindmapping. That might change as I get good with speech recognition software which I'm loving so far. Jeez, my mouth can type fast!
2) Coffee or tea?
Coffee and tea although I'm cutting down on both. Coffee in the morning, and 4PM tea when the weather gets cooler.
3) Day or night?
Mostly day, unless I'm on deadline. I usually read at night.
4) Favorite genre to write?
Non-fiction although Penny Dreadful is getting more of my attention! Cozy mysteries are a daily part of my life, too.
5) Pencil or pen to edit?
Pencil. Not necessarily red.
6) Unusual writing quirk or trait?
I mindmap everything including my grocery list.
7) Writing from home or writing in a cozy café?
Home! I cannot write in public - mostly because of the noise.
8) Music or silence while your write?
Definitely silence. See #7. Unless a neighbor's dog is barking and then a Baroque adagio helps tune them out.
9) Favorite motivational writing quote?
Write first. Clean later. Thanks, l.j. Sellers!
10) Favorite bookmark?
I love those lovely book thongs.... like jewelry for books. Copper book darts are cool, too, although I keep losing them to the library.
11) Favorite fictional character of all time?
Merlin in the Mary Stewart Arthurian series.
12) Most admired living writer today?
Tough question. This week, it's Nora Roberts for all those books, and they're actually decent novels. Okay, they're indecent in parts, but she consistently weaves a pretty good tale for having written 150+. Anyone who writes two or more good books a year is most admired. I stand in awe.
If you like memes, writing pal, Moe, has put together a bunch more at her super-fantastic Squidoo lens called 50 Memes.
And don't underestimate the power of a meme. It's really all about linking which boosts the popularity of your blog.
Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009
The Happy Tag
Helen Ginger at Straight From Hel just tagged me. I’m supposed to tell six things that make me happy. So here goes:
- Flaming hot Thai green curry with shrimp
- Chocolate ice cubes
- Hand-knit wool socks
- Zipoli's Adagio for Oboe, Cello, and Strings
- Fresh flowers in a crystal vase
- Warm blueberry muffins
- Cats and kittens everywhere
So what makes you happy? Let's ask these dear people, who have been known to make me happy on more than one occasion:
Now if that doesn't make your day, I don't know what does. Go do the Happy Dance and enjoy another round of tag! Hehe.
Jumat, 23 Januari 2009
Time to collapse
No, not from the efforts of daily blogging. What I mean is collapse your archive. Look at that long mess in your blog sidebar. Is anyone really going to click on your daily posts from this month? Not likely when they can just scroll down the page.
First go to Layout in Blogger, and click on edit in the archive gadget. Then choose either Flat List or Drop-down Menu. Immediately, you will see a nice short list or a nice little box. That frees up column space for much more important information that your reader might actually use and enjoy.
Do it. Right now. Collapse your archive.
First go to Layout in Blogger, and click on edit in the archive gadget. Then choose either Flat List or Drop-down Menu. Immediately, you will see a nice short list or a nice little box. That frees up column space for much more important information that your reader might actually use and enjoy.
Do it. Right now. Collapse your archive.
Kamis, 22 Januari 2009
Blogs we love to follow
To follow up on yesterday's post, some blogs are just more fun to follow and make it a treat to leave a comment. An example is today's post at Double M where Morgan Mandel asks us to share an embarassing moment from grammar school. Don't we all remember those like they happened last week?
I share just a few including the time I lost a dime up my nose in 4th grade.
Another fun blog post to comment on is Chris Verstraete's post about miniatures at Teen Seen. Go find out more if you don't know what I'm talking about. This is the author blog for members of Quake Publishing which is my newest gig. Run over and check out our titles which also are available in affordable ebook and downloadable formats.
I share just a few including the time I lost a dime up my nose in 4th grade.
Another fun blog post to comment on is Chris Verstraete's post about miniatures at Teen Seen. Go find out more if you don't know what I'm talking about. This is the author blog for members of Quake Publishing which is my newest gig. Run over and check out our titles which also are available in affordable ebook and downloadable formats.
Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
Bookmarks and RSS Feeds
If you're unclear about what they are and how to use them, click here for a pretty good article that explains both.
Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009
Blog Talk Radio
Don't miss our interview on Sunday at 1 PM EST when we talk with host, Chris Hamilton, about the ins and outs of planning a blog book tour. Click here to listen to the conversation. Then click on the link to "your default reader" and the interview will quickly download to your computer. I promise it will be worth your time.
FWA is the radio program for the Florida Writers Assn. and what a nice added feature not only for the members, but for writers everywhere. This was my first experience with Blog Talk Radio, and I'd do it again in a minute. I might even toy with the idea of hosting my own show. Hehe.
FWA is the radio program for the Florida Writers Assn. and what a nice added feature not only for the members, but for writers everywhere. This was my first experience with Blog Talk Radio, and I'd do it again in a minute. I might even toy with the idea of hosting my own show. Hehe.
Add digg button to all posts of your blogspot blog autometically
If you want to add digg button to all your blogspot posts automatically than u need to add this code to html of your templateLook for this line of code Now paste this code above the line u searched
how to add dzone voting button to all blogger posts autometically
If you want to add dzone votin button to your blogspot posts than you need to edit the html code of your blog template and add this codeGo to edit html section of your template and check the check box for expend widget templates and search for this line of code
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
Any Comments?
Professional bloggers are saying more and more that comments on a blog post are as viral a search engine optimization tool as linking and any number of other tricks. I don't know if that's true or not, but I really like that the Blog Book Tours blog-a-day challenge has resulted in lots of conversations between the participants on their respective blogs. We're also getting commenters from Twitter. Comments seem to make the post live longer than without.
Blogs like The Lipstick Chronicles become favorites as much for the comments as for the original posts, so it's a worthy goal. I've lately been analyzing why blogs get commentary. Personable writers, controversial themes, pertinent questions, great information, good writing, and even contests are all techniques for inspiring reader participation. What's your favorite technique to inspire interaction? Have you developed a technique yet? Think about what might work for you.
Blogs like The Lipstick Chronicles become favorites as much for the comments as for the original posts, so it's a worthy goal. I've lately been analyzing why blogs get commentary. Personable writers, controversial themes, pertinent questions, great information, good writing, and even contests are all techniques for inspiring reader participation. What's your favorite technique to inspire interaction? Have you developed a technique yet? Think about what might work for you.
Kamis, 15 Januari 2009
Hide blogger navigation bar from your blogspot blog
If you want to hide navigation bar of your blogspot blog than you need to write this code in the html section of ur blogGo to Layout and click on edit html and write below mentioned code in the css section of html code#navbar { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none;}This will hide the navbar from ur blogEnjoy
Headline Bloopers
Head over to The Blood Red Pencil where Marv Wilson has us all rolling in the aisles over real headline bloopers. While you're laughing, take a look at your own blog titles. Do some of them sound a little funny? They made so much sense when you wrote that blog post, but maybe they're a little off when you see them with a fresh look.
It never hurts to go back and look at your old writing. While you're there, edit the bloopers out of the post itself. We all have typos, grammatical goofs, and punctuation errors that we overlook. As a writer, you need to correct your mistakes, even after-the-fact. It's never too late to put your best foot forward.
Be sure to bookmark and follow The Blood Red Pencil where you'll get ongoing advice not only about revising and editing your book manuscript, but other writing and publishing tips as well.
It never hurts to go back and look at your old writing. While you're there, edit the bloopers out of the post itself. We all have typos, grammatical goofs, and punctuation errors that we overlook. As a writer, you need to correct your mistakes, even after-the-fact. It's never too late to put your best foot forward.
Be sure to bookmark and follow The Blood Red Pencil where you'll get ongoing advice not only about revising and editing your book manuscript, but other writing and publishing tips as well.
Adding star ratings to blogspot custom templates in new blogger beta
Recently blogger have added star ratings feature to posts , to enable this go to Layout section and click on edit link on Blog post, than check the check box against Show Star Ratings, for this u might need to login in blogger draft If u r using template provided with blogger , than doing this will work , but if u r using any custom or third party template than u need to add some code for this
Adding Page navigation widget in your blogspot blog for a smooth and good looking page navigation menu
To add this kind of navigation to ur blog simple edit ur blog template according to this1 : Log in to your blogger account and navigate to Layout section. Now go to the edit HTML .2 : search this line ]]> and add this CSS code above that line..showpageArea {padding: 0 2px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:10px;}.showpageArea a {border: 1px solid #505050;color: #000000;font-weight:normal;
Creating sitemaps for blogger blogspot blog for submitting to search engines
To create a sitemap for ur blog , Go to Webmaster Tools link and the bottom of ur blogspot dashbord, click on the link of your blog , than go to sitemap link at the left paneYou can create either rss.xml or atom.xml format sitemapsIt doesn't matter which one you use, they should both be accepted as valid sitemap, for submitting sitemap u may need to varify your ownership by putting a varification
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
Fast Blogs
How to make your blog load faster. Just one of many great Blogger Help articles. Click here to read more and do try that Stopwatch test.
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
Sidebar Clutter
You've spiffied up your blog and now have all kinds of helpful and attractive gadgets in your sidebar. This is a good thing. Unless your sidebars are now so cluttered that your readerss can't find what they're looking for.
Visual clutter quickly happens, especially as your blog hosts add all kinds of fancy new gadgets for you to try. It doesn't mean you have to use them all, or that they are even good for you blog. For example, preview posts from other blogs sometimes simply don't support your mission. Think about whether you really need that information to make your blog better.
What about your label list? Do you have a nice, concise group of categories you shovel each post into, or is your list a mile long with one post in each unique category? Get rid of it, if so. Those post labels mean nothing to your or your readers.
Also look at your archive gadget. Is it showing daily post titles for the current month? Collapse it, so that only the months are listed. Much neater and will free up column room for a more important addition.
In Blogger, you will make these changes in the Layout section. Go now and tweak a bit, so that your blog is more attractive and easier to maneuver.
Visual clutter quickly happens, especially as your blog hosts add all kinds of fancy new gadgets for you to try. It doesn't mean you have to use them all, or that they are even good for you blog. For example, preview posts from other blogs sometimes simply don't support your mission. Think about whether you really need that information to make your blog better.
What about your label list? Do you have a nice, concise group of categories you shovel each post into, or is your list a mile long with one post in each unique category? Get rid of it, if so. Those post labels mean nothing to your or your readers.
Also look at your archive gadget. Is it showing daily post titles for the current month? Collapse it, so that only the months are listed. Much neater and will free up column room for a more important addition.
In Blogger, you will make these changes in the Layout section. Go now and tweak a bit, so that your blog is more attractive and easier to maneuver.
Senin, 12 Januari 2009
Our Blog Book Tours yahoogroup is now fully in session, and the current group of challengers is working hard at the post-a-day Blog Challenge. They are doing a marvelous job, and you can visit their sites via the blog links at right. Go help them out by leaving a comment!
The challengers are also tweaking their blogs with improvements like bookmarking, even more good links for you to explore, follow me options, and other add-ons to make your visit exceptional. How often have you visited a blog that didn't have an RSS feed, or a connection to the related website, or a way to follow on Twitter, or even an email link to contact the blogger?
So challengers, if you're on Facebook, or Twitter, or any of a number of other sites, make sure each location in inter-connected to the others. Make it easy for your fans. Sometimes this means you must simply type an email address like this:
Me at internethost dot com
This prevents robots from harvesting your address when typed in the usual manner.
So take a look at your blog and make sure that all your connections flow to locations that support and enhance your purpose.
How do you ensure your fans will come back to visit your blog?
The challengers are also tweaking their blogs with improvements like bookmarking, even more good links for you to explore, follow me options, and other add-ons to make your visit exceptional. How often have you visited a blog that didn't have an RSS feed, or a connection to the related website, or a way to follow on Twitter, or even an email link to contact the blogger?
So challengers, if you're on Facebook, or Twitter, or any of a number of other sites, make sure each location in inter-connected to the others. Make it easy for your fans. Sometimes this means you must simply type an email address like this:
Me at internethost dot com
This prevents robots from harvesting your address when typed in the usual manner.
So take a look at your blog and make sure that all your connections flow to locations that support and enhance your purpose.
How do you ensure your fans will come back to visit your blog?
amiT jaiN
Hi all , i am amiT jaiN , software developer by profession working in Delhi(NCR) region , naitive of Agra , the city of Taj mahal , I work on Microsoft .NET platfrom , using C# .NET, ASP.NET, SQL Server, AJAX ,JavaScript, etc to develop web based applications and windows based applications i m fond of reading and collection shayaries , gazals and shers , sometime i write my own too , hope u enjoy
Minggu, 11 Januari 2009
Correcting Your Errors

Now go read through your own blog posts for the past week, correct any grammatical errors, and while you're at it, check the flow of your posts from day-to-day. Bottoms up, of course.
Ping Alert
I make it a point to ping at least once a week. Try one of these multi-pinging services to notify servers about a recent update to your blog:
BlogFlux Pinger
King Ping
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_(blogging)" - a must read if you don't quite understand what pinging is all about.
BlogFlux Pinger
King Ping
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_(blogging)" - a must read if you don't quite understand what pinging is all about.
Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009
More Better Lies
Paperback Writer came up with Ten Reasons that prevent you from updating your blog - regularly. Funny reasons. Questionable reasons. Go read them.
What's your excuse? Since January Uno, who in the Blog Book Tours blogging challenge has not posted every day? What are your excuses? Come on! Get creative and come up with a really good list of better lies, and post them on your blog. That's your writing prompt for the day. Everyone can play.
Enjoying our posts so far? Be sure to follow us by clicking the Follow Me link at right.
What's your excuse? Since January Uno, who in the Blog Book Tours blogging challenge has not posted every day? What are your excuses? Come on! Get creative and come up with a really good list of better lies, and post them on your blog. That's your writing prompt for the day. Everyone can play.
Enjoying our posts so far? Be sure to follow us by clicking the Follow Me link at right.
Jumat, 09 Januari 2009
Title Z
Do you know about Title Z? It's a fast and simple site that gives your book's amazon.com rating. You can get a rating for your title, your name, and for your publisher in one clear and easy-to-read list. Fun, isn't it?
But, it's more than that. If you're planning a blog book tour, or any book promotion, you want to get a rating before you start as a benchmark, and then for every day of your tour. You also want to watch your rating after promotion to see what it's popularity is doing. This is a good measure of whether your efforts are helping sell your book. It's a numbers game, and this is only part of the equation.
So what's your book's rating today?
But, it's more than that. If you're planning a blog book tour, or any book promotion, you want to get a rating before you start as a benchmark, and then for every day of your tour. You also want to watch your rating after promotion to see what it's popularity is doing. This is a good measure of whether your efforts are helping sell your book. It's a numbers game, and this is only part of the equation.
So what's your book's rating today?
Rabu, 07 Januari 2009
The Blogroll
What is that? It's a group of links in the right or left columns of your blog, with links to other blogs. Why would you want one? Well, for several reasons. It makes your blog more noticeable to search engines for one thing.
You can use your blogrolls to connect to blogs that offer your readers added content that might interest them. My links would probably embellish on the theme of blog book tours. I also have a blogroll for members of the current blog challenge, and use these links list to visit the blogs. This is part of what we call "cyber-schmoozing" and it's a good thing to do in preparation for your own blog book tour down the road.
Finally, it's a good idea to have a separate blogroll of your favorite blogs that you think might make good hosts for your future tour. Scoping out those blogs takes a lot of time, so it's best to do a little work each day. It's so much easier to look at your own list of favorite blogs, and then invite those friends to host you, than to be left scrambling just weeks before your blog book tour is scheduled to begin.
Here's a starting point for you thanks to My Friend Amy's Blog - a list of book review blogs, lots of them. Click on the button at right, and then explore a few of them every day. Add your favorites to a blogroll on your site. It won't take any time to accumulate a list of fabulous blogs to host you. We'll also cover other techniques for finding great and unusual blogs at a later time.
How do you go about finding blog hosts for a tour? Leave us a comment.
You can use your blogrolls to connect to blogs that offer your readers added content that might interest them. My links would probably embellish on the theme of blog book tours. I also have a blogroll for members of the current blog challenge, and use these links list to visit the blogs. This is part of what we call "cyber-schmoozing" and it's a good thing to do in preparation for your own blog book tour down the road.
Finally, it's a good idea to have a separate blogroll of your favorite blogs that you think might make good hosts for your future tour. Scoping out those blogs takes a lot of time, so it's best to do a little work each day. It's so much easier to look at your own list of favorite blogs, and then invite those friends to host you, than to be left scrambling just weeks before your blog book tour is scheduled to begin.
Here's a starting point for you thanks to My Friend Amy's Blog - a list of book review blogs, lots of them. Click on the button at right, and then explore a few of them every day. Add your favorites to a blogroll on your site. It won't take any time to accumulate a list of fabulous blogs to host you. We'll also cover other techniques for finding great and unusual blogs at a later time.
How do you go about finding blog hosts for a tour? Leave us a comment.
Selasa, 06 Januari 2009
Learning to blog
One of the toughest parts of a post-a-day challenge is that some of our members are entirely new to blogging, and a bit confused by it all. Blogging isn't rocket science, but it's still a foreign language that takes a bit of time to learn. Sometimes, the best way is in a classroom and with a good teacher at the helm.
The Story Circle Network, a lifewriting organization for women, has added online classes and one teaches blogging, as well as the opportunity to learn something about different blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress, and TypePad. All have advantages depending upon the goals of the blogger. Go here for more information about this class:
Be sure to bookmark the site for future online classes as well. Don't just blog - blog brilliantly! A class might help if you're particularly intimidated by this online medium.
Did any of you take a formal blogging class? What blogging platform do you use and why do you like it as compared to others? Leave us a comment.
The Story Circle Network, a lifewriting organization for women, has added online classes and one teaches blogging, as well as the opportunity to learn something about different blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress, and TypePad. All have advantages depending upon the goals of the blogger. Go here for more information about this class:
Be sure to bookmark the site for future online classes as well. Don't just blog - blog brilliantly! A class might help if you're particularly intimidated by this online medium.
Did any of you take a formal blogging class? What blogging platform do you use and why do you like it as compared to others? Leave us a comment.
Senin, 05 Januari 2009
Getting fans to visit you

Another considerate addition for your readers is bookmarking buttons, placed high up on your blog. I prefer the Add This button, as it's clean and efficient and doesn't clutter up the page with endless bookmarks.
You might not understand the mechanics if you're new to blogging, but trust me, your readers will and they'll appreciate you for it. It makes your blog very visitor-friendly.
If you have a Blogger blog like this one, be sure to add the Follow Me gadget so others can see who reads your blog. All these add-ons are demonstrated in the right column.
Minggu, 04 Januari 2009
Tracking your visitors
In our current blog book tours session, we're talking about the importance of adding a hit counter to your blog. You must be able to track your visitors. Popular and free counters include Sitemeter and Statcounter, and they are relatively easy to install on your blog, even if you're a novice blogger. Just follow the directions. Morgan Mandel has a good post about it at her blog.
What kind of hit counter do you use on your blog, and why do you favor it? Please leave a comment.
What kind of hit counter do you use on your blog, and why do you favor it? Please leave a comment.
Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009
Marketing trends
It's no surprise with the economic downturn that blog book tours will be embraced by authors as a great way to promote their new titles in 2009. There are lots of things to keep in mind and this list of trends and predictions from Author Marketing Experts, Inc. is well worth reading. Click here.
If you're an author reading this and are interested in a blog book tour, but don't quite know how to go about it, you can join our session-in-process at the Blog Book Tours yahoogroup. We'll spend all of January with a post-a-day blogging challenge, and improve our blogs in other ways as well. The planning session continues through March covering various areas. Join us if you need help and encouragement! This is a free peer support group and you must give your name and book title to join.
If you're an author reading this and are interested in a blog book tour, but don't quite know how to go about it, you can join our session-in-process at the Blog Book Tours yahoogroup. We'll spend all of January with a post-a-day blogging challenge, and improve our blogs in other ways as well. The planning session continues through March covering various areas. Join us if you need help and encouragement! This is a free peer support group and you must give your name and book title to join.
Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
What should I write about?
Oh, gee, what am I going to write about for thirty days in a row?
That's what many of our Blog-a-Day challengers are asking themselves. It's one of the reasons they don't blog every day to begin with. Some don't even blog once a week for lack of something to say. Yes, I am talking about writers here! A dearth of words and blogging seem to go hand-in-hand for many authors. So, the first step is to determine the primary focus of your blog, which should be to promote your book. List the focus and topics of the book itself and write about various aspects of your main themes.
All fans love added information about their favorite authors so feel free to include a few personal tidbits on your blog. If you don't to share too much information, you can still create added content about writing your book, research, writing tips, inspiration, and those sorts of topic.
Think of a blog as a way to give a little more to your fans. Generosity is one of the best ways to build readership. You can read more about that at Copyblogger, a site I suggest you bookmark and return to often. I'll share a few more professional blogging sites over the rest of the month for more tips on how to make your blog the best it can be.
Now don't forget to copy edit your post! There's nothing worse than a writing blog riddled with typos and grammatical errors. Put your best foot forward. Yes, you can even check back a few days and correct prior posts, it's okay. You have my permission. That's why the Blogger editing function exists and don't let the blogging purists convince you otherwise.
That's what many of our Blog-a-Day challengers are asking themselves. It's one of the reasons they don't blog every day to begin with. Some don't even blog once a week for lack of something to say. Yes, I am talking about writers here! A dearth of words and blogging seem to go hand-in-hand for many authors. So, the first step is to determine the primary focus of your blog, which should be to promote your book. List the focus and topics of the book itself and write about various aspects of your main themes.
All fans love added information about their favorite authors so feel free to include a few personal tidbits on your blog. If you don't to share too much information, you can still create added content about writing your book, research, writing tips, inspiration, and those sorts of topic.
Think of a blog as a way to give a little more to your fans. Generosity is one of the best ways to build readership. You can read more about that at Copyblogger, a site I suggest you bookmark and return to often. I'll share a few more professional blogging sites over the rest of the month for more tips on how to make your blog the best it can be.
Now don't forget to copy edit your post! There's nothing worse than a writing blog riddled with typos and grammatical errors. Put your best foot forward. Yes, you can even check back a few days and correct prior posts, it's okay. You have my permission. That's why the Blogger editing function exists and don't let the blogging purists convince you otherwise.
Kamis, 01 Januari 2009
Easing into the blogging habit
A post-a-day blogging challenge is probably one of the best ways to develop your blogging habit. That doesn't mean a daily blog post is necessarily a good thing, or that you'll want to keep up that pace for the rest of your life. But to instill the habit, a daily effort is key. Just do it.
It's true that a certain frenetic energy develops during a blogging challenge. There's nothing relaxing about it, and once the newness wears off, the grind begins. Why, it's just like work! That's really the point, too. To blog successfully, you need to do it when you least want to, and you'll be rewarded somewhere down the road for your efforts. Hopefully, that reward will come when you are launching your own blog book tour.
That said, read this article about slow blogging to put things in perspective. Then think about how you can create quality and enjoyment in your daily blogging experience, without too much attachment to Google ranking or search engine optimization. After all, there's nothing better than loving your work, and in this case, it's just another writing venue, authors. Love of blogging is a good thing, so find a balance that works for you and be committed to creating the blog that will serve you on many levels.
It's true that a certain frenetic energy develops during a blogging challenge. There's nothing relaxing about it, and once the newness wears off, the grind begins. Why, it's just like work! That's really the point, too. To blog successfully, you need to do it when you least want to, and you'll be rewarded somewhere down the road for your efforts. Hopefully, that reward will come when you are launching your own blog book tour.
That said, read this article about slow blogging to put things in perspective. Then think about how you can create quality and enjoyment in your daily blogging experience, without too much attachment to Google ranking or search engine optimization. After all, there's nothing better than loving your work, and in this case, it's just another writing venue, authors. Love of blogging is a good thing, so find a balance that works for you and be committed to creating the blog that will serve you on many levels.
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