Kamis, 30 April 2009

Time for another class

We've been quiet here as our last blog book tours class put together their tours. We've been following them as they travel to host blogs for most of April, and we'll interview a few of them to get feedback about their experiences through the entire process.

Tomorrow starts our new class and we'll be trying out a few new tactics. This course will last only two months, and we'll be following a few authors from the last class as they launch their tours in May. We'll get to experience this whole process from beginning to end, and that gives us much to learn.

We can squeeze a few more authors in who have book releases in the next few months. Join the Blog Book Tours class today and be sure to give us your name and book title. It's starts in crazy earnestness tomorrow with a Blog-A-Day Challenge.

Yes, it's still free. Yes, we're still relentless drill sergeants. Hup-2-3-4. Where's today's blog post, corporal?

Jumat, 17 April 2009

Blogger profile views not increasing - an update from blogspot

If you are a blogspot user than u must have realized that profile views count is not increasing the way they used to be in earlier days. Well don't panic \, there's nothing wrong with your blogger profile or account, blogspot has made changes and it will not increase profile views on every view to avoid performance issues as they were causing problems to blogger team Some blogs with heavy treffic

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Trace mobile phone location and operator name in india

Several times we feel the need to trace or track any mobile phone number , it's location and Operator name , for various reasons.

If you are one of them then this will definitely help you to find any mobile phone number location and operator in India

If you want know the location or area or circle of any particular mobile phone number than you can visit the following site and get details

blogger tips -Prevent or disable copy contents of your blog or site

If you want to prevent users from copying contents of your blog or site than you need to put this code in ur blog so that user can not copy ur blog's contents , i was browsing through ashish's blog and got this scriptGo to Layout and click on add new gadget > select Html/JavacsriptNow in the box copy and paste the following code