Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007

Preaching to the Corpse

Roberta Isleib is in the midst of a very interesting and creative blog book tour, and I'm visiting each tour stop she makes. I've just finished the first book in this series, Deadly Advice, and it was a page-turner, make no bones about it. I can hardly wait to get my hands on the next corpse! You can check out her entire tour schedule here, and I'll post my favorite stops with live links so you can hop over direct.

First, stop at The Dark Phantom Review to read the excerpt.

If you're a writer, don't miss the interview at Fiction Scribe.

Author Bio

New Jersey born clinical psychologist Roberta Isleib took up writing mysteries to justify time spent on the links. Her first series, featuring a neurotic professional golfer and a sports psychologist, was nominated for both Agatha and Anthony awards.

Roberta's new series, starring a Connecticut psychologist and advice columnist, debuted in 2007 with DEADLY ADVICE and PREACHING TO THE CORPSE. She has also had many articles and short stories published. "Disturbance in the Field," published in SEASMOKE by Level Best Books, was short-listed for both Agatha and Macavity awards.

Roberta is the president of International Sisters in Crime and the past president of the New England chapter. She is also a member of Mystery Writers of America, Romance Writers of America, and the Authors Guild. She lives with her family in Connecticut.

Jumat, 14 Desember 2007

All about me(me) and reading

Elsa Neal, that brilliant fiction editor at BellaOnline, tagged me for this meme and what could be more appropriate for a blog about books?

What have you just read?
Deadly Advice by Roberta Isleib.

What are you reading now?
Why We Read What We Read by John Heath and Lisa Adams.

Do you have any idea what you'll read when you're done with that?
Preaching to the Corpse by Roberta and Dana Fredsti’s premiere novel, which has a great title, but hasn't been in front of my face often enough for me to instantly recall. It's the first in her Murder For Hire series. And this situation is exactly why authors must put their latest title after their names everywhere in the world, every chance they get. Repetition, repetition, repetition.....wait, I've almost got it..... The Peruvian Pigeon!

What's the worst thing you were ever forced to read?
An Editing How-To eBook – the first eBook I ever bought – that was so full of errors I should have edited it and sent it back to the author! I did complain to the publisher who laughed and replied that they should have hired me to edit the thing. I was not amused.

What's one book you always recommend to just about anyone?
Not the editing book, that’s for certain! I think my all-time favorites are Mary Stewart’s books in the Merlin Trilogy. I never tire of reading them. The fourth book, The Wicked Day, is one of my very least favorites.

Admit it, sadly the librarians at your library know you on a first name basis, don't they?
Not sad at all, as I love the added attention and service!

Is there a book you absolutely love, but for some reason, people never think it sounds interesting, or maybe they read it and don't like it at all?
I like Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon Riders of Pern series, but many people don’t.

Do you read books while you eat?

While you bath?
Never, since I shower. What a mess that would be.

While you watch movies or TV?
I don’t watch TV and when I watch the occasional video, I concentrate on it. I can’t even knit for very long, before I'm completely engrossed and staring at the screen like an idiot. It's not a pretty picture.

While you listen to music?

While you're on the computer?
I don’t know how people can do this! I mean, isn’t it like trying to read two things at once?

When you were little did other children tease you about your reading habits?
Not other children, but my mother used to kick me out of the house and tell me to go play. I would hide a book in the clothes hamper, which was in the bathroom, and then use the potty excuse to get in a few pages of reading.

What's the last thing you stayed up half the night reading because it was so good you couldn't put it down?
Alas, I simply haven’t been able to do this since my cataract surgery earlier in the year. I still remember my marathon session with Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I think I had pizza delivery three times over two days. Huge pizzas. Mushroom with double cheese.

Have any books made you cry?
You mean have many books made me cry? Yes. The last was Garden Spells. And I just read an article in AARP magazine that had tears rolling down my cheeks. I have that author, Ann Harleman, on my To Read list now.

So I’ve tagged these good folks, and you can read their answers here:

Dana Fredsti
Ann Parker
Doris Baker
Diana Vickery

Selasa, 27 November 2007

All about me(me) and blogging

Straight From Hel tagged me to participate in a meme about blogging and I simply couldn’t refuse because I’m so completely sold on the idea. Thanks for choosing me, Helen. Here are my answers to the five questions:

1. How long have you been blogging?

Only about a year. The online youngsters don't call me Old Noob for nothing!

2. What inspired you to start a blog and who are your mentors?

I loved reading good blogs even before I had my own. I have a collection I read regularly, but it wasn't until I went to the Women Writing the West Conference that a writing pal and I offered to post conference doings on their new blog so all the members could vicariously enjoy the gathering. We did and it was so easy and fun! Next, I actually started a yahoo discussion group, and just for holiday kicks, set up a 360 degree blog in that community called Queen of Christmas. Before I knew it, I had started several blogger blogs for various reasons, and suddenly I found myself reading professional blogger newsletters to get all the hot tips on improving my own sites. There's still so much to learn. I don’t know if I’d call them mentors exactly, but Chris Garrett and Yaro Starak certainly provide some excellent information to their readers.

3. Are you trying to make money online, or just doing it for fun?

I don't close the door on blogging to make money, though I hate the look of most click-the-link advertising. Visual clutter is tough on an artist’s eyes. Without question, blogs are marketing tools, whether to promote a book, a stained glass commission, the latest yarn shipment a store has received, the loveliest fused glass bowls, whatever. Everyone likes being up on the latest, and this is a simple way to impart information. There's a reason that newspapers have blogs and were first to jump on the blog bandwagon. Added content. Easy peasy added content that doesn't require high-tech knowledge. Family albums, store bulletins, town hall news - anyone could benefit from the use of a blog. Did I mention blog book tours? This one is linked to a squidoo lens for added impact.

4. What 3 things do you struggle with online?

I don't feel like I know enough yet to really have the online presence I'd like. I want a website with a shopping cart for my own products, but don't feel like I'm quite competent enough to handle that on my own. Blogs have been a nice stepping-stone in that direction.

I don't understand a lot of aspects like cloaking urls, html code, and other nitty-gritty regarding search engine optimization, but I am developing the courage and even interest in pursuing it further thanks to blogging. It's a bit like living in a foreign country. When you immerse yourself, you eventually learn the language and the practices.

Like anyone who is fascinated with the potential of the medium, I spend too much time on the internet exploring its vast horizons. It takes a bit of discipline fitting it into a normal busy life. Paradoxically, it also takes a bit of discipline to continue regular posting once the novelty has worn off a bit.

5. What 3 things do you love about being online?

First, reading the news without having to sit down with a real newspaper. Nothing gets dumped or goes up in smoke.

Second, having vast repositories of research information available at the touch of a button, including library card catalogs.

Third, connecting to communities of like-minded people via the written word. I'm out in the sticks and for the most part, feel pretty much like an alien from another galaxy. The internet connects me to kindred spirits.

I'm interested in reading what others have to say, so I'm tagging these good bloggers for their input:



Groovy's Ruminations

Community of the Land

Donna Druchunas

Ms. Karen's Place

Be sure to go read what they have to say, and bookmark their blogs which are always packed with interesting interviews, essays, tips, insights, and even recipes. Did I mention humor and good photographs? What about gorgeous standard poodles? And a very special treat for kitties and their people.

Selasa, 20 November 2007

A blog book tour in retrospect

Last week we hosted Susan Wittig Albert on her first-ever virtual book tour. Susan is a long-time web aficionada who for many years has utilized various internet tools like e-letters, websites, and a marvelous Lifescapes blog of her days in the Texas Hill Country. We were curious to know her reactions to the blog book tour experience and here are her responses:

How did this experience compare to your live tours?

Much less physical effort! I could stay at home and work, instead of driving for hours, giving a couple of talks a day, sleeping in a different bed every night, eating other people’s food (not my own cooking).

Did you feel you connected to your readers?

Actually, yes, although I didn’t expect that. I received a great many email comments and notes, as well as the comments on the blogs. And since I was seeing the names/email addresses of the people who dropped in on the drawings, I got a sense of the “attendance”—that part of it, anyway. Turns out that fewer than half of the people who read the blog entries participated in the drawings.

How much work/time involved compared to a live tour?

The up-front time was actually fairly comparable. I manage my own live tours, so I choose the venues (much as I chose the bloggers, by soliciting invitations), book my own motels, do my own maps. On a live tour, I have a couple of talks and repeat them (to the point where I’m pretty sick of them when it’s over)—the prep time is minimal. On the blog tour, each stop was a different prep, most of which required maybe 2-3 hours of writing, revising, doing photos, setting up links, and so on. Also, Peggy (my wizard of a webmistress, She-Without-Whom-Nothing-Happens) clocked quite a few hours in developing the program for the drawings, setting up the tour schedule webpage, etc. The big thing that was missing: the driving! On a live tour, I usually try to book two events a day, which usually means 4-5 drive-time hours, sometimes more.

How do the tour costs ($$) compare?

Hey, how do you spell M-O-T-E-L? $100 a night? Also, gas ain’t cheap nowadays. A 10,000-mile-tour (like the one I drove, yes, me myself and I, in 2005) would probably cost around $1200 in today’s gas, plus the daily tab on the rental car (or the wear/tear on a personal car), and a couple of plane fares, getting me where I couldn’t drive. I’m a cheap date where food is concerned, though. I’m perfectly happy with McD’s salads. Sometimes publishers pick up the costs, but an author who is paying her own way is chalking up a big tab.

What do you see as the greatest advantage of the virtual tour over a live tour?

Less time on the road, more time in my own bed (with my own DH), and lower cost. The carbon footprint is distinctly smaller, which counts for plenty, seems to me.

I got to spend some quality time with nine great blog hosts (thanks, guys!). We worked out problems together, figured out what sort of post to create, and communicated—more or less successfully. My live tours are longer and more hectic, and I never feel as if I really get to know the tour hosts.

Also: I got to “meet” some blog readers who would never in the world have made the effort to attend one of my live events—people who are regular readers of the host blog, who had never heard of my/my books before. If they read the post and remembered it, they might be inclined to remember that, the next time they run across my name/book title. Or they might go to the library to pick up the book. Or even look for it on a bookstore shelf. You never know. So I think the chances of picking up a new reader may actually be higher in a blog tour than a live tour. (I have no statistics on this, so don’t hold me to it.)

Plus: When you do a live tour, it’s in-one-ear-out-the-other. People remember the event, but not what I say. Also, the audience is fixed: it’s the folks who came that night, and that’s it. On the web, the tour posts hang around for a long time. People stumble over them much later. The audience is larger than the audience that showed up at the original time of the post. That’s a big plus, seems to me.


I’ll try to be systematic about this. Forgive me.

1) Impact on the attendees. Seems to me that a reader who makes the effort to come out to a bookstore or a library or wherever to hear me is going to remember the occasion longer than someone who comes to one of the blog stops. I’m guessing here, but I think that’s probably the case.

2) Non-blogging readers. I have a great many older readers who don’t do computers and stick their fingers in their ears when they hear the word BLOG. (They think it’s an obscenity.) On live tours, I reach them through libraries, garden groups, reading groups, herb societies, and Red Hatters. I can’t reach them through a blog tour.

3) Media impact. When I do a live tour, I put some up-front effort into encouraging the tour hosts to get strong local media for the event. Usually, I have pretty good luck: newspaper coverage, some local radio (by phone), some local TV. Also, the event is promoted in the host’s newsletters and website. Even though I may see only 40-50 people at an event, it’s likely that 400-500 have seen a notice of it, read something about it, or heard about it from a friend. On last year’s tour, I did a benefit for a university alumni event. There were a couple of hundred people at the event, but 5,000+ people all over the U.S. got a mailing from the university, with the book cover/my photo/all that good stuff. You don’t get anything like that with a blog tour.

4) Book sales. Let us not forget the point of this exercise, which is to sell books. Live tours sell books—not just the books I sign/sell at the events, but the books that I sign at various local bookstores, where I’ll do drop-ins whenever I can fit them in. Signed books sell, so when I leave a stack in a bookstore, I can figure they’ll be sold eventually. Blog tours, on the other hand, are more like advertising. You’re just putting the word out there, raising awareness, getting people’s attention. You can’t measure whatever sales you might achieve.

What did you love about the Blog Book Tour?

Getting all over the web! I have a Google Alert on my name (how’s that for chutzpah?) and I was delighted to see it flashing across the sky. That’s why I did this. I think it worked.

What did you loathe about it?

Nothing, really. Oh, yes: I got really impatient when the posts weren’t up by 8 a.m. Eastern Time, as I asked. That’s because I knew that readers would be there before the posts appeared, which feels really counter-productive to me. But then, I’m a former English teacher. I’ve been known to lock the door of my classroom at two minutes after the hour. (Not quite, but almost.)

How did you track your statistics throughout the tour?

That’s hard. I had to depend on self-report (not always accurate, and a couple of bloggers forgot to tell me that they didn’t have a statistics package). But on this tour, I had two other statistics of my own: the number of people who came to the tour schedule page, and the number of people who entered the drawing for each blog event. Those are my “hard” numbers. I’ll be curious to see if my next blog tour brings in more traffic—or less.

Thanks, Susan, for giving so generously of your time and insights once again.

Rabu, 14 November 2007

An interview with Susan Wittig Albert

Unlike Susan Wittig Albert, I had a most unfortunate childhood. I did not learn to read with Beatrix Potter books. I was introduced to them much later in life, when as an aspiring children’s book writer, I took a job as a gift rep selling Random House books. In the many boxes of book samples I received weekly, one held a re-print of a Beatrix Potter book. Immediately enchanted by the story, I was even more taken by the illustrations. Potter’s skill as a naturalist artist is legendary. It is her life-like imagery in completely fantastical scenarios that makes the stories so mesmerizing for children and adults alike. One truly feels transported into another world.

It was certainly another world when Beatrix made a career of her little books, first by self-publishing and soon after through her publisher, Frederick Warne & Co. Much has been written about this part of her life, but today we’ll discuss the art and book publishing from a different angle as we visit with Susan Wittig Albert, author of the recently released The Tale of Hawthorn House. This is the fourth book in The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter series. The charming cozy mysteries for adult readers are set in the Lake District that Beatrix so loved, and features Bea with a supporting cast of real and imaginary characters.

Author Susan Wittig Albert

The Tale of Hawthorn House

Dani: Susan, most fans of Beatrix Potter know quite a bit about her life, but one question that nags is why was Beatrix so intent on publishing the books?

Susan: Well, I think most artists—people who feel they have a talent and want to share it—are compelled to find an audience. Beatrix Potter was no different. As a child, both she and her brother Bertram were encouraged by their parents to develop their artistic aptitude. In her mid twenties, Beatrix sold some of her drawings as greeting cards and shared her gift of storytelling through the picture letters she wrote to her former governess’s children. As time went on, she wanted to share more widely, and came up with the idea for a book about Peter Rabbit, which she published herself when it was turned down by other publishers. After that, one thing led to another, and before long, she had an audience which demanded her work and a publisher who was eager to promote her. But even Beatrix was surprised by Peter’s acceptance. When the sixth printing was ordered, she wrote to her editor, Norman Warne, “The public must be fond of rabbits! What an appalling quantity of Peter!” Tongue-in-cheek, of course, but I think she was always amazed by her commercial success.

But the commercial success of her art meant something else: the possibility of personal independence. Beatrix noted more than once how nice it was to have some money of her own. She used her earnings to buy Hill Top Farm, which gave her the opportunity to escape from London and from her parents’ demands on her time.

And finally, there was her editor, Norman Warne. Beatrix wrote the early books (through 1905) in collaboration with him. He became increasingly important to her, and since her parents would not allow her to have any other connection with him, the books were a way of sustaining their relationship

Dani: What role did her fiancé, Norman Warne, the youngest son in the publishing firm, play in promoting sales and ensuring the financial success of the ventures over the long term?

Susan: I think the role Norman Warne played in shaping Beatrix’s stories was far more important than the role he played within the firm. Yes, he did go on extended sales trips to booksellers in various cities, soliciting orders for books—that was part of his job.

But more importantly, he was a mentor to Beatrix. He guided her in her choice of projects, encouraging her to develop her own original stories, rather than simply illustrate nursery rhymes, as she originally wanted to do. He offered suggestions for the drawings and the text. He was knowledgeable about the printing process and about ink and paper, and when she had changes or corrections to make, he saw that they got made. He also probably ran interference for her with his brothers, Harold and Fruing, who sometimes wanted her to do things she didn’t want to do, such as to illustrate another writer’s book.

Most importantly, Norman was a supporter, a cheerleader (a wonderful, wonderful quality in an editor!) and her friend. Without him, it’s entirely possible that she wouldn’t have gone past the first book or two. And it took real courage for her to go on working after his death.

Dani: Did Beatrix set the stage for merchandise sales related to the books long before Disney padded its fortunes this way? Any idea how much success the publisher had with these add-on sales?

Susan: In the early 1900s, there was (as Beatrix said herself) “a run on toys copied from pictures.” English and German toy-makers were using storybook characters as models for their wares, and she was afraid that her popular characters would be copied. So in 1903, Beatrix patented her Peter Rabbit doll, with whiskers pulled out of a brush and lead-weighted feet, and urged Norman to find a manufacturer to make the doll. She created a board game, wallpaper, and other book-related merchandise, to the point where (as I suggest in The Tale of Hawthorn House) there were almost more “sideshows” than she could keep track of. However, she was always more keen on licensing toys and other items than her publisher was, and after 1906 or so, she became increasingly frustrated with Warne’s seeming inability to keep up with her creative ideas.

Dani: Warne owns most of the rights to artwork and images of Beatrix to this very day. How did they gain such control over it all? Was it difficult getting permissions for your series? Did you discuss with Warne using Beatrix’s own artwork for your book?

Susan: When Beatrix died in 1943, she bequeathed her shares in Frederick Warne and the rights and royalties in her books first to her husband, Willie Heelis, and after his death to Norman’s nephew, Frederick Warne Stephens. These were later given to the publishing company as a way of honoring her relationship to Norman and her long friendship with the Warne family, which continued long after Norman’s death. (You can find more details about this in Linda Lear’s biography, Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature.)

In 1983, Frederick Warne was acquired by Penguin, which also owns my publisher, Berkley. So when I needed to get a license to use Beatrix’s characters (Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Jemima Puddle-Duck, and so on), the legal folks were able to work it out. I don’t think we ever discussed using Beatrix’s art. From a marketing point of view, that would have been a good thing, but I want The Cottage Tails to stand on their own, and prefer the freedom to develop the art for the series.

Dani: I love the images you ended up developing for your own books, which capture the spirit of BP without copying. Can you tell us about the process of choosing that artwork and who the artist is?

Susan: Normally, authors don’t have any say in their cover art. This was the case with the first book in the series, The Tale of Hill Top Farm. The artist did a nice job, but I was deeply disappointed, because there was no image of Hill Top Farm, one of the most famous houses in England. Through a friend, I found artist Peggy Turchette, and commissioned her to do the art for the Cottage Tales website and other advertising materials, including a postcard for the second book, The Tale of Holly How. My editor saw it and liked it and asked Peggy to do the cover art. So we’ve worked together ever since—certainly a happy arrangement for me. All of the art work that you see on the Cottage Tales website also comes from Peggy’s talented brush. You’re right—her animals are reminiscent of Potter’s without being duplicates—that’s important. For example, Peggy had originally put a shawl on Jemima Puddle-Duck for the cover of the editor at Frederick Warne (who approves my manuscripts and our art work as part of the licensing arrangement) asked us to take it off. The shawl made my Jemima look too much like Beatrix’s Jemima. That’s the sort of thing we get into.

Dani: Thanks, Susan!
Also, plan to visit all the tour stops for more interesting interviews and guest posts by Susan Wittig Albert. The entire blog book tour schedule is posted here.

You can read the prologue to The Tale of Hawthorn House by clicking

Buy the book by clicking

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2007

Ethnic Knitting Discovery

I first met Donna Druchunas at the 2006 Women Writing the West conference when I took one of the workshops she presented. I was immediately impressed by her clear, straightforward and enthusiastic explanations. Of course, I bought her book, Arctic Lace. I am even more delighted by her latest book, Ethnic Knitting Discovery, which delves into knitting and design techniques of the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and the Andes. But, don't think for a minute this is some stuffy and old-fashioned book. It offers a bit of history and lots of ethnic design concepts, yes, but it encourages modern knitters to use these as a springboard to explore their own ideas and create unique interpretations as stylin' as anything out of a fashion magazine. You can see my own experiments at the Queen of Socks blog and here we continue our discussion with a few technical questions.

Dani: It's a tribute to the plain and conversational writing in this book that I dove right into the charts and discovered, to my great pleasure, that reading charts is pretty straightforward. Somehow it seems easier knitting in the round. I was a little confused by the balancing stitches though it's explained pretty clearly in the book. But, Donna, the charts still confuse me a tiny bit. Tell me in these two examples, what the difference is in the shaded areas. Why does the zigzag square have one section not shaded?

Donna: I'm not really sure why the repeats got marked in two different ways on these charts. Both are essentially correct.

What shows in the repeat with the box that is not immediately obvious in the other chart is what stitch(es) you need to duplicate for centering a stitch pattern for flat knitting or between armholes, for example. In addition, the lice chart shows only one repeat of the rows while the zigzag chart shows 2 so you can see what it looks like with multiple row repeats. Rows 1-6 and rows 7-12 are identical.

On all of the charts, the gray area shows the stitches that you repeat in circular knitting. You just work those stitches over and over again around the whole piece (assuming that your number of stitches is an exact multiple of the pattern repeat, of course). If you are knitting back and forth or if you're trying to center a pattern between the armholes on a sweater, then you'd add the balancing stitch(es) again at the end of the row so the zigzag starts and ends at the top of the peak. You can see that stitch/column 6 on the chart is at the top of the peak as is stitch 12. If you start and end at these points, your pattern will be centered. But if you're going in the round, you don't want to start and end at the top, or you'll have a double-stitch peak where the round joins.

I hope Deb, my editor, will answer the question about the box in the comments. I truly don't remember which one of us put that box on the chart. We were playing with different ways to show the repeats when we first started, and maybe that one got left over from an old experiment. At any rate, both of the charts shown are correct.

Color charts and knit-purl charts are quite easy to follow. Some complex texture charts are a little more complicated, especially cables where you are dealing with a bunch of stitches all in one maneuver.

Dani: One of the things I love about the book is that it has a grown-up coloring book feel to it.... great illustrations, and because they're not in color, I found that I could copy the designs, and color them in myself to see what the designs might look like. Is it okay to copy the book's pages this way, for individual use?

Donna: The "flat" illustrations were made by my editor at Nomad Press. She talked a lot about creating them on her blog:

You can certainly copy the drawings for your personal use. In fact, I encourage it. Especially the schematics and the project worksheets. You should photocopy them so you can use them over and over again for creating new designs.

Dani: The obvious follow-up question, of course, is "what books are next in the series"? Serious knitting fans want to know! Just give us some hints.

Donna: The second book in the series, Ethnic Knitting Adventure will feature Ireland (Aran sweaters with saddle shoulders), Lithuania (raglan sweaters) and Iceland (yoke sweaters), as well as a chapter on designing and knitting cardigans. The third book will feature more fitted garments with techniques and stitch patterns from Turkey, Japan, and Bavaria. I can't tell you too much about book three because I'm rewriting it! I wrote all of the books at about the same time, but it's been a while since I started and I found a lot of new ideas that I want to incorporate into book 3. I can't mess with book 2 because it's already in production!

Dani: Donna, you've presented workshops at local yarn shops teaching techniques from your books. Do you have a schedule for Ethnic Knitting Discovery yet? Where can we find the information when you have things lined up?

Donna: I'm not going to be doing too much teaching in 2008 because I'm exhausted from traveling and teaching every month this year. I am working on instructor kits for shop owners to use to teach workshops out of Ethnic Knitting Discovery. The first will be "Design Your Own Norwegian Sweater" and then others will follow. I will probably be doing some teaching next Fall, but not much except for a few local classes here in Boulder County, Colorado, for the first part of the year.

Dani: Thanks for visiting and for your help! I've forged ahead and here's how my fingerless glove is coming along. You can see the snowflake pattern just starting to develop:

If the book has given me nothing else, it's the courage to try new things. Even cutting a piece of knitting. Gulp. It's a common ethnic knitting technique that's covered in the book. I did it. I actually picked up stitches and cut away. I am knitter, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore..... What next? Steeks?

You can buy Donna's book by clicking here.

To read more about Donna's publisher, Nomad Press, and their support of the Green Press Initiative click here.

That's not all folks. Be sure to visit some of the other blog stops on this three-week tour:

The Keyboard Biologist
The Hook and I
On Being a Writer
I'm Knitting As Fast As I Can
Knittin' Mom
Yarn Spinner
Physics Knits

Knitting Matters

And we'll add more of our favorite links as the tour progresses.

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Senin, 30 Juli 2007

Using emoticons and smilies in gmail chat

This is the list of smilies which one can use while chatting in gtalk Emoticon Key CombinationHeart! <3monkey! :(|)Rock out \m/Shout! :-oGrinning :DSad :(Crying x-(Cool B-)Tears :'(laug =Dtricky ;)sorrow :-|smile =)teeth! :-

Minggu, 22 Juli 2007

Read orkut scraps with out logging in through RSS feed

Hi all , here is new trick for reading orkut scraps with out logging in to u'r account JJust go to this linke and change ur UID{uid}}And u can read any body's scraps with this method Happy orkutting

Rabu, 18 Juli 2007

Yahoo Messenger Invisible status checker

If you want to find whether Your buddy is online in invisible mode on yahooThan here is how to find invisible status of your friends ,Log in to yahoo messenger and open the chat window by double clicking on the name of ur buddy u want to find status ofNow in the chat window click on the IMVironment and select the DoodleNow if ur buddy is offline , Doodle will show ."waiting for your friend to

Winamp plugin for yahoo messenger song status

If you want to change your Yahoo messenger status to the song you are listening to in Winamp , u need to download this plugin the file gen_empty.dll and put it into winamp's plugin folder Which must be C:\Program Files\Winamp\PluginsNow restart the Winamp and play the song ,it will be displayed as status in ur yahoo messenger Have fun

Senin, 09 Juli 2007

Online hindi bollywood song radio stations

Here is the list of few hindi and bollywood song radio stationsRadioTarana-NewZealand ==> mms:// HUMFM - UAE ==> - Bollywood ==> - Bhajans ==> - Classical ==> - India ==> http:

Download videos and mp3 songs from sites like youtube and other

This is a new trick to download videos and mp3 songs from various sitesAll you need to have is firefox browser and firebug plugin Install Firefox and install firebug plugin and all set to goOpen the site and fire up firebug by pressing f12 keyNow play the song or video u want to downloadClick on the net tab of firebug and look for the biggest fileRight click on it and copy the link location and

Kamis, 14 Juni 2007

Puzzlehacker newpuzzle answers

Hi all , puzzlehacker's new puzzle is really good and if you are solving it and got stuck somewhere than we can discuss it here , don't hesitate to ask for clues and hints , post ur question and where do u get stuck as comment n i will come up with answer If you can imagine of something which can travel faster than light, type it in....You are in!!!

Selasa, 05 Juni 2007

Watch hollywood and bollywood Hindi movies online

Recently i came across a site which let u watch Hollywood and bollywood hindi movies online , u can also download these movies with some tricks mention in my earlier posts can also watch tamil, telgu movies, Indian Tv Serials, Pakistani Shows,--

Kamis, 17 Mei 2007

Online FLV Converter and media converter

THis is very good site for converting flv files downloaded from youtube to MPEG and other formatsJust go to this site and put the url of youtube video and select the format you want to convert this site You can convert flv files to AVI , MOV , MP4 , MP3 , and MPEG4 formats Another good online FLV Converter and media converter site is cn Download

Senin, 14 Mei 2007

Yahoo web messenger

Yahoo has recently launched Yahoo! Messenger for the Web, Now you can chat on yahoo messenger without instalingThis is good for those who doesn't have yahoo messenger installed or yahoo messenger is blockedJust go to thisa link log in and start chatting

Senin, 30 April 2007

Ten Zen Seconds with Eric Maisel

Hotbuttonpress: Welcome, Eric. I'd like to start off by saying how elegant your new book Ten Zen Seconds is, and how graceful a read. It's a beautiful piece of work. As I thought of questions to ask you about the Ten Zen Seconds technique as applied to the writing life, of course I focused on my own challenges. Like many artists and writers, I struggle with persistent procrastination. Is this more prevalent in creative personalities or is it just part of the human condition?

Eric: Procrastination is an anxiety state and if something makes us anxious and we have the opportunity to avoid it, then we avoid it. Creating is one of the things that make people anxious, because it is hard work, because it demands that we think and feel, and because the likelihood of making “mistakes” is high, so we are likely to simply avoid the encounter. Two things are going on: that creating makes us anxious and that it is easy to avoid it. This same phenomenon occurs everywhere in human affairs where anxiety is present: it is entirely a feature of the human condition.

Hotbuttonpress: If we divided up the writing process into roughly three categories as follows:

Beginning - noodling/imagineering/brainstorming and freewriting/getting down the bones
Middle - rewriting/revising/editing
End - publishing/promoting

What advice and specific incantation(s) would you recommend to prepare for the entire process.... sort of an overall incantation to set the tone?

Eric: First is always “I am completely stopping.” We can’t rush around with our monkey mind and our endless to-do list and also write. For the beginning writing process I think that remembering that we matter and that we are intending to make meaning are the most important things, and I would focus on “I make my meaning” and some version of the “I am doing my work” incantation, for instance “I am writing Chapter 3.”

For revising, which some people find a pleasure but most people find to be nothing but hard work, I would try “I trust my resources” and “I am equal to this challenge.”

For publishing, the biggest challenge is simply to do the things required of us, whether that’s writing the novel synopsis or querying six agents with a tight query email, and here I would make use of “I am taking action,” as getting published requires “one focused action after another.”

Hotbuttonpress: What specific incantation might be used to jumpstart the beginning of a writing project, when the writer is staring at a blank screen or sheet of paper?

Eric: I think that there are many viable approaches. One is to use incantation 2, “I expect nothing,” to help let go of the need for outcomes and to open up to whatever ideas and images want to come forward. In this way you help yourself avoid thinking “the same old thoughts,” the safe thoughts that are lurking around waiting be employed. If you are heading in a new direction, it might be useful to start out with “I am free of the past,” in this case your “writing past,” so that you can gain real permission from yourself to write something new and not something like your last book or your most popular book. I think that each of the 12 incantations can be used at such a moment, each in its own idiosyncratic way.

Hotbuttonpress: What incantation would help with the dreaded Middle stage.... and this is so important to me because rewriting is my nemesis, and I could use all the help I can get with revising and editing?

Eric: Revising is an act of will, not an act of craft. It is the writer saying to herself, “I did something which is not yet done and now I must face the music and turn this draft into something excellent and complete.” Helping yourself remember that courage is what’s required is tremendously important and so “I make my meaning” and “I am equal to this challenge” are probably the two most useful incantations in this context. You must take responsibility for turning the draft into a finished thing—that is exactly what “I make my meaning” connotes and demands.

Hotbuttonpress: Finally, what incantation could help a writer get the work "out there", and once it's published, aid the writer in marketing the book?

Eric: I think that getting down to the business of publishing, which has to do with networking, entering into relationships with agents and editors, creating good products and also good ancillary materials like email queries, and building your platform all require the kind of attention that an incantation like “I embrace this moment” or “I am taking action” promotes. This is work, not pleasure, and requires action, not inaction. And between each piece of business, “I am completely stopping”—so that you come to the next thing centered rather than in a lather and in a rush.

Hotbuttonpress: Are there any writers out there who are really good at all the aspects of writing, or is it normal to resist one area more than another?

Eric: It is normal to resist one area or another. I think that, broadly speaking, there are the “real writers” and the “real marketers,” but I have met enough writers, often bestselling ones, who embrace both aspects of the writing life with equal energy and attention and who have learned—whether or not it came naturally initially—how to integrate these various parts into a seamless whole. So it looks like the integration is possible—if you work at it.

Hotbuttonpress: You give advice in Ten Zen Seconds on how creatives can modify the incantations and even create their own. I'd like to suggest another because creative folks tend to be so hard on themselves. How about "I am doing very well." What do you think of that as a ten-second incantation when the inner judge is present?

Eric: Love it! Creative people virtually NEVER celebrate the fact that they have just spent two arduous hours birthing a whole universe—they are much more inclined to say, “Well, I could have spent three hours. Bad me.” It is very important that we honor our good efforts, so, yes, “I am doing very well” is a winner!

Hotbuttonpress: Before you leave, Eric, I notice that you have an Affiliate Marketing program for your publications. Can you tell us a little bit about how that works?

Eric: That is for the ebooks that I sell from my site—there are three ebooks currently and the one that people buy most often is “Becoming a Creativity Coach.” You can sell that book from your site, too—that what’s the affiliate program is about, you selling ebooks that I provide, which, once you get the hang of it, is a pretty simple process.

Hotbuttonpress: Thank you for joining us today. Great success in this latest endeavor!

Kamis, 15 Februari 2007

Bypass firewall restrictions and access blocked sites

Well here is another site which helps you in accessing blocked sitesGO to and download and install their client , it makes your pc an nonymous web proxy and anonymous SOCKS proxy that your applications can useJust register there and download the client and configure your aplications to to use your own PC as web or SOCKS proxy...

Convert flv files to mpg

There are several flv to avi or flv to mpg convertors available on the netYou can download and try RivaFLVencoder For more help go to this link can also try Vdownloader, it downloads videos from google video and youtube etc in avi or jpg formatsYou can also use online conversion on , for this u need to register on this site..

Sabtu, 10 Februari 2007

Google talk tips and trics

If you use gtalk for chat than u might want to know these trics of google talkPlay wumpus GameInvite from your google talk.If your invitation is accepted, you can play a text based game. It is an easter egg game.Increase font SizeTo increase the font size hold down ctrl key and move scroll button of mouse up or down to change the font size in the messageBold TextPut a

Run multiple instances of Google talk

Well if you have more than one gmail accounts and want to log in to all on gtalk than u need to run more than one instances of gtalk , for this you need to do this tricFirst of all create one shortcut of gtalk on your desktop Now right click on it and select properties In the target box it will show you the path of Google talkwhich must be like “C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe

Removing programs from add remove program list

If you want to remove any listing from the add remove programs list of control panel than do this registry modificationOpen run dialog box and type regedit and press enter to open registry editorNow navigate toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft/ Windows / CurrentVersion / UninstallHere you will find the complete list of installed programsDelete the one you don't want in add remove program

Jumat, 09 Februari 2007

Orkut scripts to have more fun with orkut

1. Color changing names and menusjavascript: i=0; c=["red","green","blue","yellow","magenta","orange","black","white"]; a=document.links;setInterval('i++;a[i % document.links.length].style.color=c[i % c.length]',10);void(0); alert("Hi,'\n'WISH U A HAPPY AND COLORFULL week ,");2. Cool textjavascript:var txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/A/gi,"Ă…");

Orkut scrap all , scrap to all ur friends in one shot

Well if ur having bit big friend list on Orkut and want to scrap all of most of them, than this would be a cumbersome work , to get rid of it use this tric to scrap all ur friends on orkut in one goFirst of all you need to have Mozilla Firefox , download this and installNow install Greasemonkey add on for firefoxNow install this scraps friends lite script Thats all installation work u'll have to

Run multiple instances of yahoo messenge 8

Well if you want to run multiple instances of yahoo messenger 8 than ,Do this tricInstallDownload this file and run it To uninstall it Download this and run Enjoy

Remove ads from yahoo messenger

Yahoo! Messenger Ads can get really irritating at times. From time to time it changes Ads wasting our precious bandwidth. One of the easiest ways around this is to remove them using Y.AddsRemover.To remove all Yahoo! Messenger Ads just start the program and click ‘Select All’ and then ‘Remove Selected Ads’. That’s it. You can now enjoy an Ads free Yahoo! MessengerDownload it here .

Breaking firewalls with ssh and putty and getting past blocking restrictions

Using Putty on Windows XP Download Putty Download putty.exe and plink.exe. Although plink.exe is not needed, it provides some handy features you may end up using later.Open putty configuration and Enter IP address of your ssh serverNow Create the Tunnel Your listing should be similar to the following. Make sure each entry has an "L" listed in front of it. Local port 25 will now go to server

Changing User Agents to surf as Googlebot

Here is tip to change firefox user agent to surf as Googlebot Type about:config in adress barNow go to "general.useragent.extra.firefox" Double click on it and change it to "Googlebot 2.1". Now this will change your user agent to the google bot.Alternatively you can use this firefox User agent switcher add on

Kamis, 08 Februari 2007

Firefox extensions

gTranslateWith gTranslate you can translate any text in a webpage just by selecting and right-clicking over it. The extension uses the Google translation services to translate the text.Auto Copy Firefox ExtensionSelect text and it's automaticaly copied to the clipboard. hence no need to press ctrl+c or right click and select copyGmail NotifierA notifier for Gmail accounts. it notifies u when u

Selasa, 06 Februari 2007

Speed up FireFox browser with pipelining

To make Firefox faster by taking advantage of Pipelining u ndeed to do thisOpen the configuration page of Firefox by typing "about:config" in address barNow find these linesnetwork.http.proxy.pipelining = false and change it to true network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 4 and change it to 8 network.http.pipelining = false and change it to true Now right click on the configuration page and

Senin, 05 Februari 2007

Lock windows folder

If you want to lock a windows folder so that no one can open it ,than this might help youSay u want to lock a folder named amit in your C drive Open notepad and typeren amit amit.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}Save it as lock.bat in C drive Open notepad again and type ren amit.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} amitSave it as unlock.bat in C drive To lock the folderjust double click on

All harry potter Ebooks

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone book 1 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets BOOK 23. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban BOOK 34. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire BOOK 45. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix BOOK 56. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Book 6Download Here To read these books u need to have Microsoft reader

Remove recent document from start menu

To remove the recent document from the start menu u need to edit the windows registryTO remove the recent documentOpen registry editor by typing regedit in run dialog box ,Now navigate toHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerRight click on right pane and select new DWORD entry , name it NoRecentDocsMenuAnd put 1 as value to enable itRestart the system and

Jumat, 02 Februari 2007

Setup ur own web server

Do you ever want to make ur computer a web server to host ur website ,well if yes than Abyss web server is the solutionYou can access ur web site by typing ur ip address from anywhere on the internet, If ur IP is dynamic i mean it keep on changing than you can sign up for a free IP to domain name account on this site now u can access ur site by domain nameSo download and install

Firefox add on to lock settings

Are you tired of the fact that anyone can download anything on ur system and can change settings of your firefox browser and u want to stop it than Public fox is the solutionYou can do these all things with this add on Tired of cleaning stuff people download? Use this to limit file downloading.Prevent browser changes.Public Fox blocks users from downloading unwanted files.Locks down

Selasa, 23 Januari 2007

Hindi english mp3 song download sites

These are few sites u can download hollywood and bollywood songs fromMag4youPakfellowsOkesiteAnsarimusicmp3000 CooltaodPapuyaarSideloadStudents hangout

Online file conversion

This online file conversion site is amazing , it can convert almost any file extension to any , a very handy site for converting file formats , it supports almost all formats , in short it is one of the best online file format converterCheck it out

Online Image editor and resizer

Just came across a site which lets you resize or crop ur pictures or images online,It's an online resize website utility developed for digital camera owners, webmasters, people travelling, or anybody who quickly wants to resize a digital image online for email or publishing on a web site. No need to open a photo editor to do this!Try it out

Senin, 22 Januari 2007

Online anti virus scanner sites

1. Scan your PC onlineBitDefendereTrustF-SecureKasperskyMcAfeeMicrosoft Malicious Software Removal ToolMicrosoft Safety Live (beta) Panda AntivirusSymantec Norton AntiVirus TrendMicro HouseCallVirusChaser (DrWeb engine)2. Online spyware scannersEwido online scannerPestPatrol Anti-Spyware Spy AuditSpy CatcherSpyware DoctorSpy SweeperStopSign Spyware RemoverTrend Micro

Kamis, 18 Januari 2007

Setting up your own proxy server to bypass firewall restrictions and surf anonymously

U searched google and find a web proxy or you are using this for sometime but now they have been blocked by administrator. to get past of it u need to setup your own proxy server , all u need is to find a free web hosting which provides cgi or php supportIf u want to setup a cgi proxy than u need to download this cgiproxy script and if u wanna install php proxy than u need to download this

Senin, 15 Januari 2007

How to access when it is blocked

Website is a web based instant messenger site that supports Yahoo Messenger, Msn messenger,GTalk,AIM & ICQ, . The Meebo team has created a application called Meebo repeater which acts as a proxy and makes it possible again to use Meebo if it is blocked.Download the Meebo repeater from the Meebo website, and run it. The Meebo repeater will automatically configure the service and tell you

Access blocked websites and bypass restrictions

You want to open a site which is blocked at ur school or organization and u don't know how to bypass the restrictions ,here is a wayCorel CDN (content distribution network) can be a solution if you can´t open a website because it is blocked by an administrator. CDN caches websites and makes them available even when the website is blocked. To access a website you simply

How to save real audio online streaming files

When you go to a webpage that offers Real Audio Streams, all you get is a link to a .ram file which you download and play in real player. The .ram file only contains the link to the .ra / .rm file, and thats what we need. Remember the .ra file contains the audio, the .ram file the location of the audio file. Download the .ram file and open it in notepad. You will see a link to the audio file.

Minggu, 14 Januari 2007

How to Setup Netgear wireless Router with Airtel Beetel 200BX modem

Setting up netgear wireless router with Airtel modem Beetel 220BX. Connect all the cables in router and modem according to manualtype in browser addressbar.Login using your username and password. Defaults are admin and password.Click on LAN in the left screen.Click on disable DHCP server and save settingsNow click on WAN.There will be a service called PPPoE in right pane . Click on

Selasa, 09 Januari 2007

How To Access Blocked Web Sites

So u want to access any site which is blocked in ur office ,here are few tips to bypass firewalls and restrictions and accessing blocked websitesYou can try typing the IP address instead of the URL in the address bar. But if the ISP software maps the IP address to the web server (reverse DNS lookup), the website will remain blocked.Use a URL redirection service like or

No folder options in windows explorer tools menu ?

Well if u are not able to see folder options in windows explorer tools menu than ur pc is infected by a virus , get a good anti virus and scan ur pc first and remove the virusthan restart ur pc in safe mode and log in ad administratorthan download this registry file and double click on it to merge the info in the registry u want to edit

Minggu, 07 Januari 2007

Download videos from youtube, google video, ifilm, metacafe and dailymotion etc

Here is the trick to download videos from youtube and other online streaming sitesFirst all you need is download and install Mozilla Firefox browser , go to link below and download and install video downloader plugin for Firefox when you open any embedded video page in firefox

Explore Google's Hidden Features, Get more out of it

1. Google as Calculator You can use Google as a high-tech web-based calculator. All you have to do is enter your equation or formula into the standard Google search box, and then click the Google Search button. The result of the calculation is displayed on the search results page; it’s that simple. For example, to add 2 plus 3, enter 2 + 3 and press Enter. To divide 10 by 2, enter 10