Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

Happy New Year

After the holidays, we start a new blog book tour session at our YahooGroup, so if you have a book release in 2009, sign up to learn, plan, and launch your own blog book tour. We are a free peer support group, and our program runs for four months. Here is the plan:

Month 1 - Improving your blog and post-a-day challenge all month
Month 2 - Social networking, blog radio, book trailers, and other promotions
Month 3 - Finding great blog hosts
Month 4- Tours and supporting each other

Sound interesting? Sign up now as we limit our group to 150 members. If you're not quite there yet, be sure to click on previous tours and interviews in the right column, and bookmark us for updates on the current session. We'll feature some of our touring authors here, and share all the latest brilliant promotion ideas that come out of our discussions.

May 2009 be the year of publication and promotion success for your book!

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