In the face of this life, we often feel that life is so pressing and difficult. Melewatin various jobs to make our day by day in the stress that is not decided. Various problems makes us unable to see things that are beautiful and interesting in life. In fact, sometimes there are also people who are so desperate to try to end hidupya own. Even if not as extreme, many people become robots. Through the day to day routine. Without passion, without passion, without hope.
By having the hope people have a reason to keep on with his life. Hopes of making a man has never stopped fighting. Hopes of making a man devise appropriate measures for their survival. This proves that human life is valuable because of the values contained therein are struggling to make a human being alive.
Life is very precious. That we are living know that we will die while the dead can not do anything about it. It shows that life is precious because we do things, do something like to enjoy everything in life with joy and we are borne to live in truth and justice, while maintaining our spiritual life.
All of this gives us kepad explanation, that the beauty of life is not measured by length of life, measured from the rich nor poor people, but of how she fills her life.
Life becomes meaningful if we fill it with work and effort on things that are good. The most important of all is that although life is in vain, but this life is a gift from God. So long as we live our lives to enjoy the work, joy and hope. Only then we can discover the beauty of life, short or long our life. We can enjoy the beauty of life, rich or poor our state. Because life is a blessing.
By having the hope people have a reason to keep on with his life. Hopes of making a man has never stopped fighting. Hopes of making a man devise appropriate measures for their survival. This proves that human life is valuable because it contains the values that humans strive to make alive.
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